@Mission Statement

"Tokachi Contemporary Art 2011" was established to provide momentum, following the 1997 "Tokachi Environmental Art" series and "Tokachi International Art Exhibition: Demeter" in 2002, for the contemporary art movements in Obihiro area. Using contemporary art as an appropriate and familiar medium, we seek to understand what the current era, where rapid shifts and global changes are occurring, requires for people and society.

Based on our objective and today's border-less society, we have called for artists from Kitami, Asahikawa, and Sapporo to support our project. In Obihiro, "10 days at Shinshokaku 2008" was promoted making use of the local environment and natural resources. This time "Obihiro Contemporary Art 2011" aims for one step beyond.

Looking at contemporary society, and using the concepts of the "natural environment" and "social environment", we search for what Obihiro, Tokachi can propose as art. Through this event, we aim to reveal todayfs challenges, appealing to all generations, to raise their awareness of contemporary art.